Provides support to the Global Auto Sustain group at Ally Financial. In addition, supports the BRM field support role of the sustain group (business relationship manager), in preparation of a future role in the field. Key accomplishments so far: o Assisting in the creation of the new department-wide website, including compiling, creating and deploying content o Compiled and recorded previously undocumented but critical business-wide information into a functional Excel spreadsheet to be used by department employees o Built a relational database of site and app information to aid in Windows 7 deployment, as well as assist with information queries and reports in the future. o Helped proactively identify critical servers in an effort to provide backup in case of failure, limiting the chance of catastrophic business loss o Acquired functional skill interacting with IT and the Business as support to the BRMs (Business Relationship Managers)
Liason between IT and the business. Significant knowledge in subject matters pertaining to both IT and the business. Responsible to understand the business, assist in the prioritization of projects, ensure that projects align with the technology that best provides maximum return on investment, and direct IT strategy in support of the overall business strategy.
Bachelor's degree
Concentration: Management Information Systëms
Computers, reading, camping, cooking
Social Networks